Stems Cells

Stem cells are the most basic of all the cells in your body. Every other cell in your body has already become specialized to perform a very specific function in your muscles, kidneys, lungs, bones, etc. Stem cells have all the same parts and internal structures as all of your other cells but they have not become specialized yet and are capable of ‘branching’ off from the common ‘stem’ and turning into fresh new copies of any of your specialized cells as your body needs them.

Every cell in the body is unique and easily identified by every other cell by the proteins and markings on its surface. Those markings change when that cell is injured, needs to be replaced, or is dying. When a stem cell finds other cells with these markings it can bind to them, grow into whatever type of specialized cell that’s needed, and replace the damaged old cells with healthy young ones.


Exosomes are tiny bubbles filled with very specific proteins and pieces of DNA and RNA – the very building blocks of life. They are

created and released from every cell in your body. The cells of your immune system that fight infection and inflammation form many more than your regular cells do. Your platelets that respond to injury and help form blood clots release even more. And your stem cells have tens of thousands more than your platelets! These microscopic structures are the language with which cells communicate with each other. They can increase or decrease inflammation, they can mark damaged cells for destruction, and they can stimulate stem cells to transform into healthy new specialized cells.

When your body is injured or diseased it is the exosomes being released from your platelets, the cells of your immune system, and your damaged cells that help your body find and repair the damage.

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Your platelets are some of the most specialized cells in your body and one of their most important responsibilities is to deliver proteins that stimulate inflammation, cell regeneration, and growth to parts of your body that have become diseased or damaged – and then become part of the scaffolding necessary for

healthy new cells to grow on so recovery can occur. Most people have between 750,000 and 1.5 million platelets per teaspoon of blood. Platelet rich plasma, PRP for short, is the process by which platelets are concentrated until there are as many as 7.5 million platelets per teaspoon of blood. Bringing 5-10 times more platelets to injured or diseased parts of the body is like bringing 5-10 times the number of fire engines and water to a fire! The concept is that the increased concentration of platelets allows the body to repair its own cells better and faster than it would with its normal concentration of platelets.

Regenerative Medicine

Each of these treatments – individually and
combined – can result in louder, stronger, and
more frequent signals from your body to:

  • Remove and repair damaged cells;
  • Stimulate stem cells to become fresh new specialized cells; and
  • Repair itself.

And in the process hopefully minimize the amount of medications, invasive procedures,
cost, and recovery time associated with most traditional medical treatments.

This is the foundation of Regenerative Medicine. Using the very mechanisms that our own has body uses to repair itself – stem cells, exosomes, and platelets – as a supplement too, or in place of, synthetic drugs, surgeries, and other techniques that are only temporary, simply mask the problem, or have significant consequences of their own.


The purpose of this brochure is to help educate and inform patients about the exciting and emerging new treatment options that stem cell, exosome, and PRP therapy can
offer. It is important to know of and be aware that regulations and clinical study requirements
vary from country to country, so patients interested in stem cell, exosome, and/or PRP therapy in the U.S.A. are advised to consult with their physician. Stem cells products available in the U.S.A. are produced in FDA-approved compliant
laboratories although they are not at the moment approved by the FDA for treatment effectiveness. Stem cell, exosome, and PRP
therapies and procedures are governed by the FDA CFR Title 21 § 1271 Rule 361 for HUCT’s. The FDA states: “Stem cells, like other medical products that are intended to treat, cure or prevent disease, generally require FDA approval before they can be marketed.
The FDA has not approved any stem cell-based products for use, other than cord blood-derived
hematopoietic progenitor cells (blood forming stem cells) for certain indications.”

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Regenerative Medicine

  • Uses the body’s own healthy regenerative cells intravenously, via a direct injection, or both; to
  • Activate the body’s natural healing processes with stem cells, exosomes, and platelet-rich plasma;
  • For patients who wish to avoid surgery;
  •  For patients suffering from chronic pain and inflammatory conditions;
  • For patients contending with the cosmetic
    results of age, chronic diseases, and previous
    therapies; and for those whom
  • Traditional medications and procedures no
    longer provide relief or may even present
    danger or risk; for
  • Autoimmune Disorders; Back & Disc
    Disease; Erectile Dysfunction; MS; chronic
    inflammatory diagnosis; Heart disease;
    Stroke; Adult Diabetes; Joint damage and
    disorders; Arthritis; and so much more!

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Mack Lee Sullivan, MD, MS Functional Medicine, P.C.

Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cells


Platelet-rich Plasma

An Educational Brochure about exciting new therapies for inflammation, so many
diseases, cosmetics, and age-related disorders